Sunday Evening Bible Study Classes
All Sunday Evening Bible Study Class Times:
5:00 – 5:45 PM (EST)
Location: Up the ramp by the Sanctuary, 1st door on your left.
Current Study Material: Biblical Children’s Books, DVDs, etc.
Nursery Description: Providing a loving and safe Christian environment for your children while parents can participate in Bible Study and Worship Service.
1st, 2nd & 3rd Grades
4th, 5th & 6th Grades
Location: Up the ramp by the Sanctuary, go past the Nursery the hallway narrows, 1st door on the right.
Ages: 7th – 12th Grade
Location: Youth building, which is across the main church.
Class Description: Boys and Girls are being taught material that relates to today’s situations, which is in a small group setting where they can talk about life’s problems and how God can help.
College and Career
Ages: 18-29 (High School Graduates thru 29 years old)
Location: Down the Fellowship wall that is past the Sanctuary. Go to the second door to the left, up the stairs and take a right, then take a left and it is the first two doors on the left.
Women’s Class
Ages: All adult women (18+)
Location: Fellowship Hall, which is at the end of the hallway to the left of the sanctuary.
Class Description: A women’s small group study on life issues of today and how to deal with them God’s way.
Men’s Class
Location: In the JOY Classroom next to the Fellowship Hall.