Sunday Evening Bible Study Classes

We offer many Sunday Evening Bible Study Classes for all ages!
Here you will find information regarding each Sunday morning class, their locations, and possible details into a class.
Want to know more? Please take a look into our ministries!
(Select “Ministries” tab)

All Sunday Evening Bible Study Class Times:

5:00 – 5:45 PM (EST)


Ages: Newborn – 3yrs.
Nursery is provided during Bible Study and through Worship Service!


Location: Up the ramp by the Sanctuary, 1st door on your left.

Current Study Material: Biblical Children’s Books, DVDs, etc.

Nursery Description: Providing a loving and safe Christian environment for your children while parents can participate in Bible Study and Worship Service.


Location: Up the ramp by the Sanctuary, go past the Nursery: the hallway narrows, and the class is at the end of the hall.


1st, 2nd & 3rd Grades

Location: Up the ramp by the Sanctuary, take a right past the water fountain to the the 1st door on the right.



4th, 5th & 6th Grades


Location: Up the ramp by the Sanctuary, go past the Nursery the hallway narrows, 1st door on the right.



Ages: 7th – 12th Grade

Location: Youth building, which is across the main church.

Class Description: Boys and Girls are being taught material that relates to today’s situations, which is in a small group setting where they can talk about life’s problems and how God can help.

College and Career


Ages: 18-29 (High School Graduates thru 29 years old)

Location: Down the Fellowship wall that is past the Sanctuary. Go to the second door to the left, up the stairs and take a right, then take a left and it is the first two doors on the left.

Women’s Class


Ages: All adult women (18+)

Location: Fellowship Hall, which is at the end of the hallway to the left of the sanctuary.

Class Description: A women’s small group study on life issues of today and how to deal with them God’s way.

Men’s Class

Ages: All adult men (18+)

Location: In the JOY Classroom next to the Fellowship Hall.

Class Description: A insightful Bible Study & Discussion group of how God’s Word relates to men as the spiritual leaders of their homes.

Silver Run welcomes you to try out any class that best suits your age and biblical needs!

Come try one out today! You will make friends, learn more and will grow within God’s word, faith, and understanding!