Nursery Ministry

The ages of the children range from newborn to age 3.
Nursery Vision Statement:
The Ministry of The Church Nursery
We are called as the church, to receive, nurture, and treasure each child as a gift from God. We give high priority to the quality of planning, preparation, and support of those who minister with them. We are called to love, shelter, protect and defend the children within our community, to nurture and support families in caring for their children, acting in the children’s best interest.
Silver Run Baptist values and honors our children. We want our nurseries to be safe, clean and inviting to parents and children alike. Our nursery is designed so that our parents and their children feel confident and secure in using the facilities and that the children may have a positive and affirming experience in the church. Christian formation begins in the earliest stages of childhood. We owe the youngest members of our family the BEST we can offer.